Thursday, July 31, 2008

Some News Reporters Don't Want to Publicize the Truth

Recently Nicole Dungca, a staff writer for The Times-Picayune (New Orleans) publicized a statement that was not the truth. I realize that news reporters do publicize what they hear. But included in "Protestors Seek to Change Laws Sealing Birth Papers" Rodney Huey, a spokesman for the National Council for Adoption said that birth mothers were guaranteed confidentiality. I wrote to Ms. Dungca to let her know that Mr. Huey is way out on left field and urged her to publicize the truth. The truth is that birth mothers were not guaranteed confidentiality and many are looking for their offspring and want to be found. I personally feel this lie about being guaranteed confidentiality was a lie started by social workers, enforced by adoption attorneys, and followed up by lawmakers using it as an excuse as to why records should not be opened.

Anyway, Ms. Dungca did reply to me. "Thank you for writing. A number of people have written me to share their views on this, and though we do not think it merits a correction, I do appreciate the feedback and the interesting thoughts you have put forth."

It makes you think that a spokesman for the National Council for Adoption carries more weight than the truth. Those personally touched by adoption and especially those of us who have been in touch with other triad members for many years do know more than Mr. Huey.

Ms. Dungca should hang her head in shame for not printing a correction. Lies being publicized can do harm to the adoption reform movement. Those doing harm to it should have disrupted sleep and an unsettling feeling during the day to know that many loved ones have been separated from each other for many years. Adoptees have been robbed of their civil rights.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Those Who Support Open Records

I invite all of you to read Joan Griffis:Illinois Ancestors column published in the News-Gazette on July 18, 2008. It is not online but I have scanned the column and uploaded it to my website at (in the navigation bar, click "In The News"). I've not done this to draw attention to myself but to Joan for being supportive toward publicizing part of my letter to her and showing support for open records in Illinois.

We often read in newspapers about other advocate groups for different causes but the news media fails to cover open records like they should. In fact, we don't often read too much about a bill that has been introduced into the house of representatives. This prevents many from even knowing what is going on in the legislative world regarding open records. It makes it hard for opponents to horrible provisions like there are in HB 4623 have an opportunity to even speak out.

I encourage all of you to continue to write to those who have a column in a newspaper and to editors of newspapers. We must educate the public and in turn maybe legislators will listen to the truth instead of being persuaded by legislators like Sara Feigenholtz that the civil right does not need to be restored to all adoptees.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

ISRR - THE Registry

International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISRR) was founded in 1975 by Emma May Vilardi. People should not be taken in by anyone saying that their registry is affiliated with ISRR because none are. ISRR's website is Recently I learned that they do have a new physical address: P.O. Box 371179, Las Vegas, NV 89137.

I personally do not recommend any other registry because there are some run by someone with a motive and that is to get your personal information. With that they will start searching for the person you are seeking and it can sometimes lead to only taking money from you and heartache.

Put your trust into ISRR and your information will be kept confidential. They are not going to rip you off for money or be insensitive to your feelings. Always keep your information with ISRR up to date so you can be contacted if there would be a match.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Illinois' Adoption Registry is Pathetic

Recently I visited the Illinois Department of Public Health's website and it reinforced my belief that the Adoption Registry is ineffective.

In July 2008 statistics were posted. Since the Registry was enacted on 1/1/85 there had been 10,534 registrants. The majority were adoptees (7,017) and birth mothers(2,487). Only 678 matches had been made from the 10,534 registrants. Not even 40 people a year are benefiting from this Registry. BUT it costs $40 to register so over $400,000 has been taken in.

Some might argue that since 1985 that 678 matches have been made so the Registry is worthwhile to have. BUT for a legislator to introduce a good bill that would become law many more than 678 could be helped within a year. All adoptees who wish could request and obtain their OBC. An OBC would not necessarily lead one to their birth mother's doorstep. But it would definitely speed up some searches and there are birth mothers waiting out there to be found.

Most important of all it would restore a right to adoptees that should never have been taken from them. They would be treated like all the non-adoptees who just take it for granted that they can request and receive their OBC any time they wish.

What Illinois State Representative will step up and restore this right to adoptees? Please come forward now!